Dinner at the Y's home with our friends the L family |

Well, the work keeps moving forward. That is definitely one thing that I feel like I understand, but don't really fathom. It just goes forward, and I better be holding on. The L family is preparing. We met Tuesday night and B and their two sons Ad and E decided to move their date forward to this upcoming 22nd of April, two days after Ad's birthday. I personally think A will make the decision to follow, but we will see. They are excited to move forward. They accepted the law of tithing and fasting on Saturday at the Y's house, B was quiet, but seemed to bravely accept. I think it will be a tough one for him, his family not being in the best financial situation, but they can do it. A exclaimed as we were inviting them, "I, we, will do it!!! All of it! Starting now!" They fasted as they even found us to ask who to give their slip to on Sunday. Ad's primary teacher, also Sister Y, told me that he was offered a cupcake on Sunday at Primary, but he denied it because he was fasting. They gave it to him to take home, and the funniest part she said was that he kept telling the cupcake (in English) to not tempt him. I saw him snacking on it later... They are doing well. So excited for them. Just seeing them at church, and thinking that they have the faith to perform fasting to its fullest, just about had me in tears at sacrament. That's amazing!! Raw faith.
Little K (W K) was confirmed. The ward loves him. His growth and his families growth has just been exponential these past few weeks. A newly moved in member from Hawaii blessed him with us Elders and our 2nd counselor SM. A young boy, surrounded by priesthood bearing men who support him. Reminds me of a talk given last conference, or two. I was so happy. His mom hopefully can progress soon. They are all opening up. Have I mentioned how much I love these people?
Everyone else is great. KC (J-recent convert) is so mature and does so much at school. Very much a part of the ward now, Brother T (recent convert) has been giving out copies of the Book of Mormon like candy, we give him more and more every week. He writes his testimony in them and gives them to friends in HK and Mainland (when they come down to HK obviously). So amazing. JC and his mom came again and said they want to come even more. They are doing well, with all the people at church, so I would expect to not know what to do! And we didn't, but it was because there was no one to sit with. All of the investigators had someone sitting with them and watching over them. Every single one, completely covered, and there were nearly around 12 or 13 investigators there including the sisters investigators. Again, moved to tears almost! What a great ward. Exemplifying the term service. Loving their investigators. Amazing.
I am terrible at remembering all the miracles, that's why I spend so much time in my journal. There are too many to remember.
Elder E and I are great, seeking to keep an inflow of people to meet, when the L's get baptized this month, and V at the beginning of next, we will only have a couple. We have had a great time finding new investigators, have turned over several in the last few weeks. Glad to support others, I hear they are flourishing as well!
I had a good exchange with both Elder McG and Elder H this week. Elder H is new, but not afraid. He is 100% obedient and a hard worker. I could have told you small town Utah boy before I even asked him. His teaching and Chinese are all ready to go. Great energy, which is good.
I love this work and what I am doing. Hurrah for Israel. He lives.
Excited for General Conference. Lots of questions.
Love Elder Sargent
Ever Stalwart