L family baptism |
L family baptism |
Stripling Warriors |
stake baptism |
our car! |
temple day |
youth trip |
youth trip |
Korean all you can eat with T family and J |

What a wonderful week. I just don't know how to get around an email without starting it like that. It was a weird week with temple day and then still emailing on Monday. It felt like Friday and Saturday every day. I was so confused. The temple was so amazing. I loved it. I got some great peace and revelation in that sacred edifice. I love going. We also moved the Wanchai Sisters apartment on Thursday which took half the day. It has kind of just been all over the place. People out of town and busy for Easter weekend, hopefully investigators can settle back down before we get wild this upcoming week. V is doing great, looking great for the 7th, just need an interview this week. J and Sister C are finally back from Mainland so we can meet with them. I am starting to realize, a lot of the people we are teaching right now are quite solid for baptism, but we need a better inflow of new investigators to keep finding the elect. We have been pretty lousy at that this week. Thank goodness for the atonement. We got to participate in another M investigators baptism this week. Always a touching experience. Amazing people up there. I got to do the interview and Elder Ea baptized. Pretty lucky.
The L's baptism was amazing! B gave a great testimony, and I was just thinking future leader. No one will be able to tell from the pictures, because no Chinese people smile in pictures, but I don't think I will be able to forget his testimony and the feelings I felt on that day. He bore simple, powerful testimony of his conversion through repentance and the atonement of Jesus Christ and how when he realized that we are all imperfect, and all need the Lord, that that was when it sealed the deal for him. It left a few eyes in the room quite moist which doesn't happen very often in China. Then the door didn't open to the font, and it took us ten minutes and a prayer before we got it open. An amazing experience where God answered our prayers. A and E were a little wild, and E needed a couple tries before we could get the job done in the font, but it turned out great. It was imperfect unto the mistakes of man, but perfect in the eyes of God. It was a great experience. However, B was quite comical trying to coach A and E from the side of the font as E bounced to the middle of the font with just his head above water. C and Brother F baptized. B was blessed with remembering the simple things in the gospel that would enrich his life, A was blessed with a desire to serve a mission, and that he would establish his family on firm gospel principles, and E was encouraged to be a good example, and if he would do so, his mother would be baptized and they would be sealed as a family in the temple. What an amazing experience.
The work is moving on. The area is doing well. As a companionship, we are happy as larks, loving the work of our Savior and Redeemer. This is the work of salvation I know it, and I love it.
I love this work!
Ever Stalwart
Elder Sargent
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