Mexican dinner with the Y family |
Family people!
Been a fun week!! This week has been great and have seen so many miracles. Our Young Men's crew of investigators is doing well, progress is coming. Haven't been able to get any of them but one into real progression mode, but after a really humble prayer this week, came up with we need more spiritual lessons with them to help them really feel it. Feel it in their heart, and not just knowledge in their head. It will be a little more difficult, but we can do it. V is also doing great! He is pretty close with J at church and we are going to try to get them to branch out a little bit more. Progressing well. We had our big ward activity on Monday, huge success, and then this weekend had a fun activity with our YM, where we had 3 of our own investigators there. Felt like it was pretty good to show them we are bringing the people to. Two way effort to bring people into the church. That night was so cool! Everyone was denying coming to church, kind of bummed, then lead to a prayer. Afterwards felt prompted to call two formers, the one turned out really good, but not much out of it, the second, is a mother of 2 young boys. Her sister is a member in the Tsim Sha Tsui ward named V. They came for a while at the beginning of the year, but had some problems and it was too hard, so they stopped. Well, felt like I should ask V to invite her sister to church, then V called back and asked who should call, then she decided she would, then she called back 10 minutes later that they were coming and would be there the next day!! I was so excited. God hears prayers, and answers them. Listen to the small promptings. S showed up the next morning with such a big change. The boys are capable of going to class by themselves now, she now has a car (a tesla I might add) and just so prepared. The ward enveloped them and a member (Sister Y) scheduled them to make Mexican food at her house with us this weekend. Great miracles all over. The area is coming. I never want to leave here. I love this ward.
Exchanges with Elder G this week were fun, good to be with my "Pops." I look like some kind of lizard with all the skin peeling off my neck from the sun. Got a cool referral from Sister T from HW! Mission tour this week with Elder Wong! Me and Elder P will get to meet him 4 on 1 for a half hour Friday. Pretty excited.The church is true, does everyone know it? If not, ask now. Don't kill all the big deer, I don't want to have to put them to shame next year.
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