W's baptism |
W's branch...best member missionaries, her mom on left of her |
Throwback to W's mother and her baptism |
WK's baptism |
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WK |
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WK and family |
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transfer week |
What a week! I don't know if a happier week has come through my mission.
Picking up new missionaries was great as always, drove safely to the airport and only hit the windshield wipers 4 times when turning. It was something new to be on the left side. They will be great missionaries. I found myself quick friends with Elder B (4'9"). I have a soft spot for short Phillipino's. He reminded me of Elder Da. It was good to get transfers done with, although it has been so fun. Get back to the work full time. Did see lots of miracles in the work through the way however. Found some great potentials.
Well, among the many miracles we saw this week, I knew there was a Cantonese mainland baptism on Friday, but when I walked into the building I saw a lady I recognized, and realized it was Sister W! A lady I baptized 8 months ago from the G 3rd Branch and it was her 21 yr old daughter W coming down to be baptized. I was able to perform the ordinances for her, and do her interview. It was a special thing. I just remember changing after, and remembering that Sister W was blessed at her confirmation that if she was a good example, that her daughters would follow in her footsteps and be baptized. Then she and her mom bore testimony of how their relationship wasn't great before, but now it is perfect and W started crying when she said she wanted to be baptized so she can live with her mom forever. Plus the other daughter she mentioned hopes to be baptized soon. I hope I am here to see it. I love connecting families for eternities.
The other was Little K or WK. His baptism was this Sunday, and wow what a special experience. WK has just become like a little brother, and watching him do this whole thing by himself, bringing his mom and younger sister to church, and his dad has come twice now, just about had me in tears. Just the small things, tossing him a towel, practicing the baptism, and rolling up his suit pants while he put his foot on my knee, just made me so happy, yet so... I don't know how to describe it. I just thought of myself doing the same thing with my dad, and here this little pioneer with a screechy voice was doing it all by himself. He was singing loudest in the Primary and is already a leader. What topped it off was his answer to, "What does it mean to endure to the end?" He replied so fast, but with confidence, "To love Heavenly Father FOREVER." You are right WK, a simple truth we oft forget. It was amazing. The Spirit was there, and the L's came up to us after, A was in tears almost when WK was baptized, and told us they want to baptized next month. They don't want to wait. A will need more time, but the boys and B will be ready to go on the 22nd. J (recent convert) performed the baptism as well, and Brother T (recent convert) brought a friend. I was just so happy. The ward is eating everyone up and doing it all. Nothing we are doing, a testimony that God will do his work, the stone is rolling forth without hands. I just consider myself God's most spoiled child to be in the position I am to watch it.
I couldn't explain my feelings this week if I tried.
Lots going on, loving what I am doing. It doesn't get better.
Hurrah for Israel! God lives, and He sure does love.
Love Elder Sargent
Ever Stalwart